Monday, October 16, 2006

Finnally on Vacation

It was a bit of a hard day as flying often is. You wait around so you can sit on a plane, wait some more and sit some more. Lucky for me, I am good at it. I didn't really sleep though I would have liked to.

Landing in Liberia was scary. We hit some turbulance about 5 min before landing - actually 15 min before landing as the pilot decided to abort when we were about 20 feet off the ground. I've never had that happen before. Everyone was scared. The second time, we touched down in the rain and I could feel the tires skid and the plane wobbled as we slowed down. I think that the runway was short and the pilot had to use all the brakes he could.

I was surprised at how small the airport was. There was only one runway and the only other planes there were two U.S Homeland Security planes that really looked out of place. The Airport was one room smaller than a gym.

I have a really good first impression of Costa Rica. It's clean and quiet. I'm sure glad to be here. Time to go to the beach.....

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