Saturday, July 21, 2007

Free at last in Bogota

So far things have been uneventful. All that I have done is a little shopping. One thing I found interesting was to see the news about RCMP pepper spraying and tasering Chilean soccer players. The Colombia news made it look quite similar to the conflicts in this country.

I was worried about the prices here in Bogota but my hotel is about $15 a night and it´s in a much safer part of town than what I am used to. In fact central Bogota seems to be one of the most peaceful places I have been so far.

I just ate at a fish restaurant and when the owner saw me picking bones out of my soup, he brought me two friend fish, vegetables, rice and friend banana. People here are so nice.

I don´t know what I will do next. The weather is so nice after that hot spell in Banff. I enjoy being chilly at night. The Caribbean coast is seing lows of no less than 25.


Jo-Ann said...

Hi Chris,

I wrote a comment but it disappeared - this had better work. I was reading your entry to Jen and couldn't figure out what friend fish are? Finally, my great editing skills discovered that they are fried fish!


Jo-Ann (Mom)

Sally and I went in a twenty-five mile competitive trail ride on the weekend - she won third place, which was very good. She got a ribbon, a plaque and horse crunchies!



Jo-Ann said...


Chris, in Canada, the newsreports regarding the soccer game varied. The one I read said that Canada was being accused of using excessive force, while Jen heard one that said the coach appologized. I'm sure there are lots of variations on that one. If excessive force was used, I would guess it would be due to the history of violence errupting around soccer games. It is still hot here but quite bearable.

Jo-Ann (Mom)